Since Tom retired in March we tease and say we have 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday and then it starts all over again. We have been so busy Tom hasn't had a chance to really know what retirement is all about. He is making slow progress getting his office put back together after having it moved when son, Jon and his co worker added on to the pole barn, moved the office and made space where the old office was to move all their wood working equipment, tools and machinery from the old woodshop. The old woodshop is what is now the Summer kitchen.
That summarizes about 2 - 3 months worth of work and those few sentences hardly do justice to the amount of work that has gone into that project.
Thursday we were supposed to tear off the porch roof, but Jon was to be gone on Friday for the weekend and it looked like a bigger task than we wanted to tackle at the end of the week. Since the actual start time has been delayed that's all the more reason to wait until Monday. So, instead, Jon and Son in Law Dereck moved some things for me, for the summer kitchen. Now I have some cleaning to do again. I have a small apartment sized stove now, and that heavy duty cast iron gas camp an electric hot plate, only a gas burner. The electric oven is out there, just not hooked up. I'm anxious to have that working....I want to make bread out there.
Yesterday Tom and I worked on getting the utility sink hooked to a drain and water. And I went and got groceries. Instead of hauling groceries to the basement though, I backed up to the Summer Kitchen. I really liked that convenience. Unloaded all that I could then took the rest to the house. It's all put away now and things are slowing working into some order.
Today, I started in the soap shop so I could get a batch of soap cooked up and then later tonight cut and wrapped. I have orders needing to get out ASAP and it's already later than I like for it to be. Whew, it's really humid today and cooking that soap sure didn't improve the conditions in the soap shop even with the doors wide open!!! The man that bought the fence posts and rails came while I was making it and said he could smell the soap in the driveway a distance away. Yeah. Good advertising. What is shown here is one of the log molds I made partially out of the mold. Looks like it's a good batch. 

Tom said he'd help me with the making of the dill pickles so that project was next on the list. (After another load of laundry was hung out to dry...and that isn't happening all that fast today either)
As I write this the
canner you see is bubbling away, 10 more minutes and this batch of pickles is done. One jar exploded. I heard it go. That makes me sad. But I still have 8 more that are OK so far. Sure hope these turn out well. It's steamy hot out here now too, in the Summer Kitchen.

After this kettle of pickles is processed I'll head into the house to fix supper. Fish tonight with fresh potatoes, zucchini and whatever else I find along the way. Green salad probably too from the garden.
After supper I'll go back out to the soap shop to work a little while longer. Tom started the A/C out there. It'll be very pleasant to work there now.
Tomorrow is the Lord's Day. We'll enjoy our time of worship and fellowship. Our daugher, her husband and our granddaughter will be here for dinner when we get home from church. Looking forward to seeing them.
That's the wrap up for this week. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow. You guys are so busy!! I can't wait to see what project dad comes up with next. I'm going to bet it's a greenhouse. Anyone want to go in with me on that one?
Thanks for having us over for lunch. It was good to see Rod and Rosie. The meal was fabulous. I think everything but the meat was from the garden. My moms such a good cook.
Awww, thanks, Jess. I learn a lot from you though too. Let us know how that bread turns out....
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