We had a good Lord's Day, company for dinner, a little rest and evening church. All of it was a blessing.
And Monday morning started out slow. Sleep issues seem to be recurring. An appointment in the sleep lab is in my near future, probably an adjustment needs to be made to the CPAP. As a result, the immune globulin shot Tom gave me on Saturday hasn't given the usual energy and stamina it has in the past. :-(
And so, though I waken and get up at 6, it's noon before I'm really ready to get the day started. Went to town with Tom hoping we'd bring home much needed shelves for the Summer Kitchen. Alas, I am like Goldilocks, in the Summer Kitchen. The shelves were too wimpy. A later discussion with carpenter/ builder son Jon resulted in a better solution anyway. So we are good there.
Tom worked hard at getting the gas stove and the canning stove all hooked up to the big propane tank. And Jon connected the oven to the power source. I am ready now to officically claim the Su
mmer Kitchen up and running. We made a little adjustment in the canning stove, to lower it a little, making it easier to get the big canner on and off the burners. And moved the taller table it was on over to be a work surface. Much better. You can see that table is full of corn. All ready to be cut off the cob and canned first thing in the morning, all 100 + ears of it.
While Tom worked in the Summer Kitchen, Jon and I went to the barn to try to put some order to the things out there. It's better, but certainly not done. Tom is making good headway on his office little by little. So, I'm confident in time the barn will be orderly too.
We harvested some more dill too for the pickles I'll make Tuesday from the cuckes I picked today. Check out the size of this dill!!! That fine specimen of a husband stands 6 ft 4 in, and the dill is nearly the same height. The heads on some of those plants were the size
of a dinner plate! It's the same dill we have had growing for a good number of years, it reseeds itself and comes up on it's own. No special variety. So I have to believe it was all the nice rain we have had...up till this week. It's amazing how quickly things can go from lush and green , to dry and crispy brown. We'll be able to back away from the mowing a little bit. That's a goodly thing.
After picking and husking corn, harvesting dill , I headed to the soap shop. Was able to complete the order for 4 dozen bars of soap. Now that's all ready to get into the mail on Tuesday first thing. Yay. Had to order more fixed oils for the rest of the soap that needs to be made. I'm really looking forward to having company in the soap shop on Friday, to cook up a demo batch of soap. Nothing I like better than cooking soap, unless it's teaching someone else to do it too. :-)
That's it for the day, a productive day.
Dad looks so cute!!
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