This busy Summer Canning Queen is one very blessed Canner...that'd be ME!!! Jon put a maple butcher block top on the old work
bench in the summer kitchen today. Hand scraped it even!!! Oh my. If I didn't love my kitchen (that son Jon remodeled for us awhile back) I might not ever cook in the kitchen again. This is way over the top what I ever expected. So very nice. He has done a good job. The old wood shop work bench is what he started out with. It's sturdy and certainly very useful, but the top, well, it was a workbench! Cuts and dings and just old plywood. Not really what food should be prepped on. Well, we are getting ready now to seal this hardwood with wax and we'll be in business.
While the last batch processed I cooked goulash for supper. And made sweet corn for the guys for lunch out here in the Summer Kitchen too. Works fine. Keeps the kitchen cooler.
Once the table top was secured to the work bench we ironed in paraffin, making it very pretty and hopefully sealing it safely.
I have a batch of dill pickles to make, and some work to do in the soap shop before I call it a day. I picked some beans for our supper, and for Jon to take home, along with zucchini and some cucumbers. We sure enjoy this time of year!
I could not be more pleased with this make over!!!! Thank you Jon, and Tom for your part too.
thats just beautiful diane.
Thanks Patty. I couldn't be any more pleased.
Diane that is beautiful. Jon was telling me about it tonight. I will see you Wed.
I still can not see your handsome builder. A CLOSE UP will be great. HEHAHA
Mom, that's so nice. They did a great job. Now that's what I call a butcher block.
Kristie, every time I try to get a picture of that handsome boy, he either puts his head down or hides behind something, all looking very innocent and accidental. So I'm thinking if you want a close up, you might have to take it from your end. :-)
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