Heb 12:28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.
While looking at Scripture relating to worship, this verse came into view. And this thought followed my reading of it.
If children are not taught by example and discipline to respect and obey authority, how will they understand reverence and godly fear? Parents don’t grow weary parenting. It is a difficult task for sure. But just keep in mind the higher goal, that of children growing into adults that understand what it means to have reverence and respect for others, ultimately for God. Your position of bringing children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is a high calling, a ministry and a service to the Lord every bit as much as missionaries to a foreign country or a pastor in a pulpit.
And as a bonus, we can be thankful for days that are only 24 hours long, then we get to start all over again with a fresh new day!
Praying for parents tonight. For the ones with the 3 year olds who are challenging boundaries and learning their limits. And for the Moms and Dads raising tweens, with all the emotion of that age of figuring out their place in the Universe, and in their circle, and in their family….and for the weary battle worn parental units trudging through the mine fields of the teen age years. And for those parents who have the gray hairs of wisdom, whose children are no longer little, but young adults, whose choices and decisions go well beyond PB & J or bologna sandwiches, or what color socks to wear, or even the friends they choose. Big kids = bigger challenges.
Parental learning never seems to end. We don’t graduate, not really. But, in that process we do learn a lot about how big our God is, and what He is able to do that we cannot. How He can supply wisdom when we think we are at the very end of our resources. And the biggest lessons of all, God is a very dependable source for our every need. He is even able to sort out needs from wants, and gets the supplying of those needs just right! Sometimes it just seems like He’s distant, not listening, not supplying. One day, here or in Eternity things will come into better focus. I’m pretty sure of that.
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