Friday, January 29, 2010

A new pond to spot an alligator. This is the first time I've seen a 'gator at this pond . And in less than 5 minutes we spotted that other alligator on the sand at the pond in the front. Earlier in the day we saw one on the sand at the pond closest to the house. scientific conclusion is, there are at least 2 gators on the premises. I suspected prior to this observation, that a single alligator just moved from pond to pond. Rethinking that idea! And hearing ever increasing stories that make me think my night time walks are not in our best interest. Apparently there are times when these creatures venture away from the water, and have been know to grunt and growl from between houses on our street. Ok. Daytime walks sound much more appealing, less scarey, and much safer! I shall refrain from nighttime treks away from the safety of the porch lights!

Here are some requested pictures of the grandparents. Enjoy. Dad was having a really good day that day. Unfortunately, his red, watery right eye has since developed into what appears to be a case of the "bug" that's making the rounds down here. His nose was runny today and he was back to just answering in single words and not entering into conversation at all. Not too many smiles today. Praying the chicken soup, and Vitamin C will help him bounce back and not be as sick as others in the Village.

Meet Gilbert the Cart Guard. He takes all his responsibilities very seriously. Doesn't he make an authoritative figure in his newest role?

I can remember what this flower is called, but it's blooming and is so cheery, planted in the front flower bed. Mom's gardenia bush has a lot of buds. We are praying it'll blossom soon. Mom is pretty anxious to smell those fragrant blossoms.
I'll not cause further distress to the northern friends and family currently experiencing mid winter blues by reporting how hot and humid it is here right now. Suffice it to say a good rain might be welcome to clear the air and maybe cool things down a bit. :-)
And that's the summary of this week. I think I'll write a separate blog of the adventure Mom and I had out and about the other day.....stay tuned

1 comment:

Jessica said...

G-pa looks good in these pictures. Please give him a big hug from me. Now, Gilbert on the other hand reminds me of a Russian guard that you would see. Good dog.