Precious Baby Samuel. No longer an infant. He has 2 teeth, is working on more, is nearly a year old, stands up to things and wants badly to walk. He can make fast tracks crawling, is a curious little boy with more personality than 10 other kids...of course! He is our grandson! He brings joy and laughter to his Mom and Dad and older sister, Sepporah. And pride and hope for the joy to come watching him grow to his grandparents.

Happy Birthday Grandma! That's what he's saying here with his scrunched
up face. He has an expression for every occasion. A study in human emotion. Sweet, determined, and even a bit of temper now and then.

On June 1st my Dad graduated from life on this planet, to join Heaven's choir in Eternity. Now he is whole, and I'm quite sure rejoicing in the presence of the Lord. And a month and a week later, his sister, one of my most favorite Aunt's joined him. Our losses are Heaven's gain. We are experiencing a lot of changes these days. Change has never been an easy event for me to embrace. And it seems it doesn't improve with age....

Our Son Jon intended to move to Alaska in June. His dream has been postponed indefinitely as his family taken precedence over his dream. We trust the Lord will bless that decision, and provide Jon with peace and provision for his hearts desire in God's time. We value the time we have with him, and Kristie and their children, as we do all our family.

Just 2 days following Dad's funeral, our family gathered for Family Picture Day. It was planned long before we knew Mom would be here for Dad's funeral. It worked out well, and we rejoice that we were able to include my Mom in our pictures. What a special time that day was. Each face represents a life we treasure, with so much gratitude for memories, and blessings that each one brings. How fitting that this event took place so close to the time that we said goodbye to Dad, to remind us to appreciate every moment with the ones we love and cherish. We are blessed beyond measure, in spite of us not because of us, because the Lord is gracious and merciful. This is our legacy. We aren't rich by the worlds standards, but we have more wealth than money can buy and it is all depicted right here. We do not take this family for granted. God has given us such a wonderful joy in each one.
Those are the highlights over the past 9 months or so. Time marches on...faster than we can keep step it seems sometimes.
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