Thursday, January 8, 2009

On going progress

You've heard of the song that never ends???? Well this seems like the project that never ends!!! The most recent chapter being entitled "The Tub". The story begins like this....

The Preface

Our old tub was an antiquated cast iron monster, a mere 14 inches deep I think, and only 5 foot long. In spite of the age and small size I found vast comfort in soaking in that old tub, in the hottest water I could stand, adding ample Epsom Salts to supplement deficient supplies of body magnesium. The bottom line...soaking is my good medicine. Indeed.

Chapter 1

The Search for the Perfect Tub

We thought we'd found it and were ready to bring it home, until the Plumber arrived. He helped us determine that bigger was better, 6 foot tub better than 5 foot tub, wider and more spacious was good. And he had just what we needed in a whirlpool tub with a would just take 6 -8 weeks from the time it was ordered to arrive. That was a little after Thanksgiving when the decision was made to go forward with that plan. The bathroom had been gutted, new stool and shower installed, bare stud walls and roof exposed. But we managed to make do. If it was too cold we now have the option of using the smaller shower upstairs. For which we are ever grateful!!! We now have promise of one day being a 2 bath home. Almost there, not quite.

Chapter 2

The Good News

...Good News Bad News. I'm beginning not to like that option! It was determined that there was a tub, just our model in Iowa that could arrive much sooner than ordering, as had been planned. So the order was placed and the shipment anticipated in a couple weeks. The wait began. First there was a delay because of the holidays. Then, inclement weather threatened to derail our precious and ever elusive tub. Finally, the day has arrived. The tub has been delivered, unloaded, and carried into the bathroom, set on the floor and is ready to slide into place. I had to inspect, photo journal the event, and............ wait

Chapter 3

The Tub, the Bad News is...

Am I missing something here or are there no jets anywhere to be found on this about to be installed essential to my tub room??? A panic call to hubby to come look and see, confirmed my fear. The wrong tub has been sent. Oh, this just keeps getting better and better.

Chapter 4

Maintaining My Perspective

I have choices here. I can go find a corner, quietly sob, and just completely fall apart. Or, I can rise above the occasion, find the humor in all of it, smile and retain my perspective. With the help of my trusty Red Hat, I choose the latter. I have determined that I will find the humor and joy, and in the process of keeping my attitude adjusted, perhaps bring a smile to someone elses threatening-to-be-bad day. So, here I sit, red hat perched on my head, letting the day happen as it will. I am maintaining my perspective...I have a beautifully warm, comfortable home, with 2...count them, One, Two working bathrooms (well, all except for no sinks yet in the downstairs one). There is promise that one day we will have a whole house again with no more construction debri to sweep up, and no more tools to move or work around. Dry wall is neatly stacked and soon to be utilized to finish those bare stud walls. It'll be OK. Really. It will. Years from now, if we remember the chaos at all, it will be with fondness at the memories, I'm sure.

Chapter 5

More choices

The Plumber is feeling quite badly by now about all the delays, the mix up in the order, and would like to be fair and make it up to us. He will hook up this tub temporarily, until the right one comes in.....another call from the Plumber....the tub won't be taken back by the supplier if it's used but he can put in a temporary 5 foot tub. So the 6 foot jetless tub has been removed, a 5 foot jetless tub installed, until such time as the jetted 6 foot tub arrives and can be installed. I'm sitting here, rocking, knitting, watching...maintaining my perspective. And, the Good News is, we are being charged for the un-jetted 6 foot tub that was first delivered. And will be getting (maybe Wednesday next week) a heated, jetted 6 foot tub for the price of the un-jetted unheated one. If the Plumber sticks to that, it will be a substantial savings. So, here is what we have today. And that'll work, I'm quite sure!!!

Chapter 6

The Comfort of Family

We have our family coming to celebrate our family Christmas this weekend...a sleepover. Uh Huh. Dry wall stacked in the room where the excess "stuff" was. Now the excess has to be redistributed and has spilled into the hall ways and other bedrooms. The very rooms guests will occupy in 24 hours. I'm hitting the chocolate and M & M's, and Oreo cookies pretty heavy now. And still maintaining my perspective. Don't I look like it????? I'm doing OK. Do you think the scallops are a little too small on the edge of the hat? Maybe I should see about adding a feather or two for effect....

Oh, family...... It won't matter to them if the accommodations are less than 5 star. They'll get together and have a good time because that's what this family does. We enjoy one another's company. We are all anticipating this after- the- fact- Christmas celebration and will do it as we always do with great joy and activity and food. We always have food and lots of it. I think perhaps some extra comfort food is in order this year. Beneath the merriment, real life persists. A depressed economy threatens to shake the very foundations of our homes, some more than others. So, our time of togetherness means more than ever this year. A time to remember from where our strength and joy comes. And rejoice in the birth of the One to whom we owe our perspective that will get us through all the difficult times. Life is good. Just sometimes we fail to see how good!

To be continued.....


Susan Johnson said...


So frustrating about the tub. yes, it'll all be fine when you look back. Look at the bright side ... you don't have to clean it - yet.

Great hat!


Anonymous said...

Daisy, You are so beautful! I had to find you, so I went back to a message we did on youtube and found your blogspot address.

I'm glad I found you again! I want to phone you. Is that okay? Only I don't have your number.

That's always a roadblock don't you find!? Can you send it to me at:


Love Nancy
