Saturday, November 29, 2008

After Thanksgiving gratitude

We are thankful all the time, for the provisions God has made for us way above and beyond what we ask or deserve.

Today in an effort to be just a little jump ahead of the snow predicted to accumulate tonight or tomorrow 1 - 3 inches, we worked outside. It was cool, but sunny and proved to be a perfect workday. Tom raked and burned and mowed leaves. We both picked up some of the clutter left from the work being done. Tom put a small outside table and 2 chairs up on the roomy porch. So I took a few breaks to sit with the laptop on that table and enjoyed the outdoors and sun shine. While sitting there discovered we have bittersweet growing at the south end of our wind row of pine trees. Imagine our delight and surprise. We thought it was extinct in our area and here it is growing in our own back yard!!! So I took a little time to clean up around it and make sure we know where the 4 nice sturdy vines start so we don't accidently damage or destroy it.

I also walked around the house and took pictures of the progress. All the siding in on now, except for the back porch. Progress. The last 2 weeks a bathroom upstairs has been roughed in, a window added and the other 2 windows replaced by one shorter longer one, the addition on the bathroom downstairs has been closed in and the window placed. Not too bad. It just seems to be moving slowly because the work being done now isn't so noticible.
Oh, the cellar doors have been rebuilt. That's a good job well done too.

And are pictures of what has been done so far....This is the east side where the cottage garden used to be. No, it will not be replanted to be a flower garden. I'll be happy with a nice yard. or maybe a driveway around Harry Lauder's Walking Stick bush. You can see how nice and roomy the porch is as you look at it from this angle, see below
Here is the back porch, not yet fully completed, but almost. Isn't it nice and big??? The windows up above the porch have been changed to make a window in the bathroom, which is there on the right...

If you look real hard at the picture on the right you can see a table with my blue tea cup on it, and the chair sitting beside it. It'll be a great place to sit....
This is the west side of the house.
And here is the soap shop, just in case you were wondering about still looks the same. No changes being made to it!

There you go. Now you are all caught up.

1 comment:

Jessica Johnson said...

It's so beautiful!! It looks so cozy. I can just picture it now. Sitting on the porch on a nice summer day with a good book and some tea. I can't wait. :)